Ulrich's Proteomics Toolbox

All the tools run within your browser, no files are transfered to the server!

PepXML filtering for N115-X-S/T sequence motifs

filters your .pep.xml file for peptides with a N115-X-S/T sequence motif

ProtXML filtering for N115-X-S/T sequence motifs

filters your .prot.xml file for proteins with peptides with a N115-X-S/T sequence motif

Please note:

PepXML sample merging

If you interacted multiple samples to one pep.xml file, this tool merges the sample entries in your interacted .pep.xml file for complete matching with ProGenesis software. Moreover, xcorr scores will be replaced with with corresponding PeptideProphet probabilities so that you are able to filter for probabilities in ProGenesis.

In case your pep.xml file is too large for processing in the browser, you can also process a file using this perl script:

To replace the xcorr scores with corresponding PeptideProphet probabilities, use this perl script on a Linux system (including Mac): ...or this perl script on a Windows system:

PepXML add retention times

add retention time to your .pep.xml files using ProteoWizard msaccess output

Please note:


converts a .pep.xml file to tabular format (tab-separated values file) for analysis in MS Excel or R

Spectral Histograms

reads an .ms1 or .ms2 file (see msconvert) and calculates a binned histogram of all peaks

created by Ulrich Omasits, 2013/2014

compatibility: Chrome (from version 8), Firefox (from version 4), Internet Explorer (from version 10), Opera (from version 15), Safari (untested!)

processing file...